View Profile DWT-Productions
DWT : Dan - Will - Tom The general info you need to know is that we make flash movies, We live in the UK (but for some reason almost all of our movies are set in America) and were all So Freaking Awesome!!!!! This Is DWT Productions

Age 31, Male



Joined on 2/17/07

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DWT-Productions's News

Posted by DWT-Productions - October 20th, 2008

Finally, we are here with the 3rd update, its not as polished as the other ones in my opinion but it good none the less...

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Also, we all should be meeting up soon so when that happens, we'll have a lot more video's and animation mock ups :D
See you l8ter!

Posted by DWT-Productions - September 22nd, 2008

Hi Guys...
Sorry to interupt your Madness Day but i just thought i'd share some news with you. Basically, in America, Toonami had its last broadcast. Now i personally used to watch it on Cartooon Network AGES ago but it stopped like 3 years ago. But since it all started in america, im still pretty sad...No, for some this might be "WTF are u on about" but for me im pretty bumbed out. Mainly because this was the first place i ever saw animes like Dragonball Z & Gundam with my bro when i got back from skool (i was like 7 or so) some of my best memories. And those were the first things that intrested me in animating & drawing and overall making me want to become an animator, so this is basically the show that broadcast the shows that changed my life :P. So yeah, just thought i'd share that with you all. Sorry if im going to soft on all of you, i might be making a big deal outta nothing lol
RIP Toonami

Ps. New Vid Update comming soon...

RIP Toonami...

Posted by DWT-Productions - August 6th, 2008

Unlike our other update, we take the time to talk to our fan and ask them what they genrally think about DWT Productions...

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Also as an added bonus, I give you Will playing 96 Quite Bitter Beings on his guitar. He's pretty good :D

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Next time u'll here from us is probz after the summer...

Posted by DWT-Productions - July 17th, 2008

After a few complications, we've released our new movie, Freelove Freeway, written & performed by Ricky Gervais (Who's Ledgendary) and Animated by us!


Ok, now we finally going to start animating Situation With Steve Ep.2 over the summer, it should be really really good. So just expect it around the end of september (a little late, i know) So anyways, Vote, Review & Favourite :D
More updates comming in the summer!!

Ps.Whoops Double Post...

Freelove Freeway is Out!!

Posted by DWT-Productions - July 16th, 2008

So basically, we just released a new animation called Freelove Freeway and for some reason or another, it got deleted!! (not blammed tho casue the score was around 3.50). So we have 3 words to say...

What The FucK!! :(

Though this might be partly on our half since there were some internet connection problems and my computer froze while checking the score on our page (my computer might have deleted on purpose. :(
So we quite annoyed at this, i wouldnt say its Newgrounds fault (it might be ours) but we are quite annoyed. We put the animation up 2morro and we might perhaps add a little somthing extra since there was inconvenice.
Sorry guys, we're annoyed and you might be to, things will be fixed!!

Posted by DWT-Productions - June 22nd, 2008

Like I said in the Video, We really want to see more Flash Authors do this!! :D
also, the video gets kinda mucked up towards the end, sorry about that but its only for 10 seconds or so...

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-Dan, Will & Tom....

Posted by DWT-Productions - May 28th, 2008

Hey all, Dan here agian
sorry im the only person you here when it comes to NG stuff, Tom and Will are very busy due to exams, and so am I :(

So since we have exams, were gonna take a break of 3 weeks for revision and stuff. Were kinda sorry but when it's all over, it will be worth it!!
Also, since were having a break, we made this little short just to keep u fans entertained. It's called "Check Out That Rack". The story behind this is that my and my friend had this inside joke and while he was staying over one night, he asked if I could animate it, and naturally I did. Tom helped with the music while Will did some excellent voice acting. The humor is a little dark but you should all find it funny :D


Also as for movies, Part 4 is still in the works!! i dont know what it is about this movie but for some reason im progressing so slowly. It comes to the fact that we said "you know what, if were taking our sweet time with this movie, we might as well make it as perfect as possible and not half assed" So thats what im gonna do. Im half way though the first scene so im really sorry about the wait. It will be one of those movies that doesnt have a set release date.
Along side that we have some more news, Situations With Steve Episode 2 is in Progress!!....well the writing is. If you dont know what im talking about watch the First One. Our aim with this movie is too make it twice as long and 3 times as funnier! seriously when it comes to sketches, even if it makes you chuckle a bit, it wont be included!! we want every sketch to be "LOL" funny!! :D It sould be done by the end of september!

So i "think" thats it, you be hearing form us until the end of our exams. Also, if you didnt know, we are all pretty talented when it comes to guitar....well that saying to much, I for one am not!!!!! I can play but i never practice :p But Tom & Will are awesome. Infact there both in seprate bands! I can't remember there names but they're pretty good i think. Anyways ill leave you all with a picture form a gig Tom was at a while ago!
Bye for now!!!

So This Is What We're Gonna Do....

Posted by DWT-Productions - April 26th, 2008

Hey all, how is going...Good??.....Fun??.....Erotic?? Let us Know!?!

Well things are going pretty well, right now we are just really working on The Melcrosum Person Part 4. Its really really awesome, well we think so. What we're trying to do is evole every aspect of our animation. From certain scenes to character models, im personally trying to really push myself and see what i can get away with in animation. Im also trying to put sorta "3d" parts in it which look pretty good. I guess what im trying to say is that it's our most advance movie we've made :D
Its taking time though, getting the voice overs is tedious work :(

Well to finish up the update, i thought since my "animating pals" Diamond Armada & Triple Elemental have made new character models, we thought we might as well show off our new models :D (insted of the constant barage of embedded videos >:(

See you all in a couple of weeks :D

Check out our DWT News page for other updates....

New Models....Everybody's is Doing it...

Posted by DWT-Productions - April 1st, 2008

Hey Everybody!!
*Hi Dr.Nick*

Sorry about the Simpsons reference but Tom & I were watching it the other day and suddenly really enjoying it. People always say as the grow up simpsons gets really old and shows like Family Guy are sooo much better...which is kinda true. Howver, while we watch one the many classic episodes, We found the jokes a lot more funnier. I dont know if was the fact that dont watch it everyday like when we were kids or because we're older, we understand some of the jokes on an other level. But to some up, Simpsons to us will always kick ass!!!

OMFG, I've sent like 5 lines talking about Simpsons lol. ONWARDS WITH THE NEWS!!

We just released a brand new movie : An iPhone Commercial
It's a Parody of the damn iPhone Commercial's we always see on TV. We decied to make one because it seems really easy to make in Flash 5 (more detail about that in the movie discription) and also on certain level, we all kinda dislike the iPhone...but we love the iPod brands so much that it balances out :P

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/vi ew/432858

Also, don't worry!! Just because we're releasing a bunch of small movies doesn't mean we'ver gven up on The Melcrosum Person & Situations With Steve. We're releasing little movies because well....i have a lot time on my hands waiting for scripts and voices that it easy and fun just make somthing quick, simple and funny :D

Last but not least, your not hearing much from Will because he's n New York in the moment with his Dad! So he's comming back in like a week. I talk to him on msn and seems to be having a lot fun :D

Well anways, thanks for reading and go watch our new movie!! (it's already got a daily 4th!! )
This time I leave with a picture Jimtopia made for us...technikly....this our first peice of Fan Art lol :p Thanks Jim!!!


An iPhone Commercial Released!!

Posted by DWT-Productions - March 25th, 2008

NOTE : Drinks will only give out to Hot Grirls Between the age of 14 and 16 years old...
^^^^ For all those Spamming Douchebags, that was a joke :D ^^^^

Anyway, belive it or not, We've got brand spanking new laptop!! It Freakin' Rocks!! Basicly this more faster, cooler and quieter that all my other laptops combined. Let us give you low down on this awesome peice of machinary :

Manufacture : Hewlett-Packard (HP)
OS : Windows Vista Home Premium (at first we were all spectial of Vista because of its "bugs" but now it's safe to say its Amazing!!)
Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo (I know...it sounds really sexy :P )
Ram : 2.0GB
HDD Memory : 137GB (I've already used half of it lol)
Graphics Card : Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS (It can't run Crysis but it run Unreal Tornement III :D )
Other Features : Fingerprint Reader - Windows Media Centre - Touch Screen (I Think)

So that pretty much it, like we said before, its awesome, Were all really happy and extremely grateful we got this and we cant wait to animate on this!! Talking about animation, we have some more news for you :

1. Now we have a Laptop back, we gonna get back on the wagon with Melcrosum Person Part 4 but because of the delay, it might not be finshed until start of May.
2. We're also might be working on a music video, i wont tell you what it is yet but we're sure you'll like it!!
3. Our good friend Zach is working not only writing the Part 4 Script but also working on a Seperate full feature lenght Movie!! He's part of this group called Inspire films and DWT are gonna start helping them out in the Movie (the movie actually has some animation in it) (note : this movie is not Part 4)

Sorry me rambling on, there's just so much to tell you. We're really itching to realses a flash movie, there nothing like submitting your work into the Portal and watching it go past the Judgement stage and then seeing the score and reviews it got....kinda like the birth of a child lol.

So thanks for reading this, hopefully you keep on watching and loving our Movies :D
We now leave you with a picture of the "Evolution" of Laptops Dan's had. We'll let you guess which one the new one lol.

Ps. The thing you see the middle of the Laptops is my actual, physical HDD from my old Acer Laptop lol. It can connect to my current one so i actually have all my old files accessible though my new Laptop.

We're Back!! Free Drinks For Everyone!!