View Profile DWT-Productions
DWT : Dan - Will - Tom The general info you need to know is that we make flash movies, We live in the UK (but for some reason almost all of our movies are set in America) and were all So Freaking Awesome!!!!! This Is DWT Productions

Age 31, Male



Joined on 2/17/07

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DWT-Productions's News

Posted by DWT-Productions - March 7th, 2011

Yikes...well..this is certainly embarrassing.

So as yeah, its been one year since the last news post we made on this page and well, since then...i guess very little has changed.
Should i feel ashamed? Erm...yeah, i guess i should.
So ill keep it short and sweet for you guys, and try and answer some questions that you might have had over the year (though, lets get real, probably not)
-YES. we are still prepare our sketches for weekly releases. we've got a fair few done, some still in the works
-We are still working on our new site, just trying to get host. once we done that, everything should be good (we've made all script and pages)
-We are still working on big projects here and there. One being a music video this. Its pretty big, you can see videos of me drawing scenes from it :)

-HOPEFULLY WE'LL ACTUALLY GET SOME SHIT RELEASED THIS YEAR! We've got most it prepared, its just we need ALL of it to kinda fulfill the model we set ourselves)

So yeah, thats DWT in a year.
Told ya not much has changes o_o

Posted by DWT-Productions - March 7th, 2010

Hey All
Man, it sure has been a while, hasn't it. I think we should take a small moment to reminisce about all of the events, whether bad or good, that have taken place in our live since our last NG post and now...


Are you done. No? Tough Luck then. We've gotta lot to get through.
We've finally all reached that sweet age of 16 and that means examinations :/ Because of this, our new project, that of which we expected to open to the masses by now, is being postponed. To be honest, we all don't really mind this since we think the summer would be a much better time to start. However, it is slightly annoying...i mean c'mon, we started this since March 2009!! We really wanna get this done by now...
You're probably also wondering why We still haven't told you exactly what we're doing yet. Well this is because we're still adding to our project and filling in a corners and cracks (if you know what I mean [you probably don't] ) but in time, when everything stands on firm ground, we'll unveil what we're doing.
Also, around Dec 2009, we entered an online Film Festival at The Escapist Magazine we came 3rd overall in the animation catergory with our animation Dungeon Designer. If you have time, you should definatley check it out.
So yeah, I think that pretty much it. Apologies for delay and lack of updates, we've just been waaaay too busy.
Though there will be definable more to come!

Posted by DWT-Productions - September 15th, 2009

So we started school this week....

*disgruntled grown*

So due to a shitload more of schoolwork and what not, animation and overall progress of our new project wont be as fast and constant as it was over the summer, HOPEFULLY though, we'll still be able to make time to work on our project in between the redundant school work we get given

Also, i figured many of you don't even know what our new project actually IS!
well, that's partly my fault, i've been keeping everything we're doing hush-hush/on the DL/top secret mainly to create a lot more hype days before we release it.
But that's not to say we're gonna be "completely" selfish and not give you any details here and there. And here's the FIRST ONE :D

"So Far We Have Prepared 6 Weeks worth of Entertainment - And There's More To Come!!"

So there ya go. It might be a little vague now but keep updates with us for every 2 weeks and we'll give you and share more and more details about our exciting new project.
We're really looking forward to it and we hope you do too!!

Posted by DWT-Productions - August 22nd, 2009

Hey all, This is Dan.
Its certainly been a while...
Well, recently we been working on our "New Innoative and Spectacular" Flash Project...ok, that might be some a little too much promotion but trust us, we're really excited about it.
The process is going pretty well. I would say we're 50% done. But still after all the animation, we wanna redo the website and hopefully try to get some advertisement across a couple sites.
Anyway, this time round we'veall really been trying to pull our wieght together with project. In fact, Will has recently taking the role as designer (Characters, Background, ect.) but unfortuantly, he's recently only started used flash so his skills our completely extraordinary, occasionally, he does ask me for advise from time to time. So i now present to you one of those times and possibly one of the funniest & shortest MSN Messenger conversations i've ever had. Hopefully, any flash animatior reading this will get what I mean...

[Reverend Wil- Give 'Em Hell Kid] says:
dan i have a problem
| Dan | says:
[Reverend Wil- Give 'Em Hell Kid] says:
i cant change the brush size
| Dan | says:
[Reverend Wil- Give 'Em Hell Kid] says:
theres no change size option
| Dan | says:
press "b"
[Reverend Wil- Give 'Em Hell Kid] says:
ooooh, k, thanks
| Dan | says:
[Reverend Wil- Give 'Em Hell Kid] says:
i g2g

So stay tuned for the next couple months cause we'll be sure to give you more info and updates about our project.

Posted by DWT-Productions - July 19th, 2009

So out new and exciting experience we're bringing to Newgrounds it slowly being made
Our exams in June slowed it down so it much it completely came to a complete halt but now, Are new mic is ready & our graphics tablet is all warmed up.....man, that line sucked, didn't it lol

This being said, we're a little dissapointed in our selfs that we havent released ANYTHING this year. Hopefully everything will be ready for the winter season. The Latest being the start of 2010

Well this is just a little update fo anyone who stumbles across it.

Posted by DWT-Productions - April 19th, 2009

Like I said before, we're making a come back...

...infact, we're doing somthing that's never really been done before.

It will be ready eventually, most likely around summer time

Trust us, you will love it "All!"

Posted by DWT-Productions - February 19th, 2009

Ok, this might be a little vague but all I can say right now is that We're Gonna be Active once again...

Man, that feels good to get outta my system!

Posted by DWT-Productions - November 20th, 2008

Hey all just thought I'd give you a random update, though this does have a point....to an extent :p
We at DWT were wondering if any of you Newgrounders which are at our age or have been at our age had shortly lost the will to make Flash Movies due to the HEAVY amount of schoolwork. i hate to say it but i haven't properly animated in ages (which is the reason why were not releasing movies "that" often) it's just because were JUST TOO FUCKING BUSY with school work. Did anyone else have this problem when they started there GSCE's (or the equivalent to GCES's in America)

So your opinion would be appreciated
also, we are sorry for that lack of Movies. They wont be any for a while but were Hoping that will change "soon"...

Posted by DWT-Productions - November 4th, 2008

Hey All,
We were gonna make a DWT Halloween Special "Animation" but since that didnt kick off as we'd like it, we decided to make a Kick Ass Live Action Mini-Moive!!!
We, it's production values aren't amazing, we had an AMAZING time filming this. Hope You Like it!

/* */

Posted by DWT-Productions - November 3rd, 2008
