View Profile DWT-Productions
DWT : Dan - Will - Tom The general info you need to know is that we make flash movies, We live in the UK (but for some reason almost all of our movies are set in America) and were all So Freaking Awesome!!!!! This Is DWT Productions

Age 31, Male



Joined on 2/17/07

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DWT-Productions's News

Posted by DWT-Productions - February 17th, 2008

Well hi everybody,

February hasn't been our best month so far. Don't get me wrong though, it started off well but right now, things are looking kinda bad for us :(

A Major bad thing that has happened is that my laptop (which i've had for around 1 year) Is completely broken. The bottom line of the story is that my screen kind of came out of the bottom half (you know, where the keyboard is) and the wires kinda of split and these aren't the type of wire you can just buy at a shop or order off the internet, there sort of irreplaceable :(
I (Dan) Plan to get a new laptop somehow and just transfer the hard drives, but this still blows.

This means the following:
1. The Melcrosum Person Part 4 won't be out for a very long time. I dont want to give much detail to its release just yet.
2. We think from now on there will be just monthly update to our NewGrounds Userpage
3. The website should be ready by next week (very sorry for the long wait)

So thats pretty much whats going down right now, Im hoping we can get a new laptop Very Soon, But from the looks of it, we might get one during easter :(
Hope all goes well for all you Newgrounders, We'll still surviving....hopefully lol :D

Ps. If your wondering, i have a Acer TableMat laptop....or something like that....

Posted by DWT-Productions - January 8th, 2008

Hello all, we've had a great start to the new year, one of the best we've had!!!

First of all we have 2 movies that we have just released. Since the NewYears Collab was cancelled, we decide to release our short ourselfs!

DWT New Year Special

Also, at the start of the New Year i started to animated this piece of music that was made by the Wicked Wicked HammerKatz (a very long story of how we came see their comedy videos) and after a week of intense animating, we released it and WE GOT A FREAKIN AWARD!! OUR FIRST ONE!! Were so Happy! :D

WQXR Home Of The Rape

Aswell for other movie comming up too, The Melcrosum Person Part 4 in the works and the next Situations With Steve comming in the summer at some time. So stay tuned for more great stuff!

ps. our website is going to be down for a while due to cleaning out and adding webpages so sorry about that. It should be done in a month.

2 Movies, An Award and More Awesome Things To Come

Posted by DWT-Productions - December 31st, 2007

Well, What can we say!
As im posting this, it is New Years Eve (Woo!) and We just have to say that this year has been the best year of our lifes. Mainly because it will be the year we will remember that we started to release Flash Movies On Newgrounds, By DWT Productions!!

Ever since 2003 (i think) We all had a dream of doing this. It's been 4 years! 4 Freakin Years and were here! A dream that we've all had for ages and its been full filled. It's absolutly great!! Also, releseing 5 movies in our first year (that all have an if not a desent score i might add) is truly out standing. I'd like to make one huge thanks to NewGrounds for making us release all of our movies on here, This website is awesome! I personally have learnt so much from here from how to improve on sound quality to finding out what people on NG find funny. Personally i think this is the best year NG has had!

Finally one last thanks to our Fans or anyone who has watched our Movies! You guys and girls make DWT what is it : A Beacon of Talent Wanting to Entertain the Masses one Day!!

Thank you soo much 2007!! 2008 Is going to be freaking Awesome for us!!

2007 has been the Birth Of DWT

Posted by DWT-Productions - November 17th, 2007

hello all,

After a quite lengthy break, we are gonna start what do best, Make Flash Movies.
i recently got a part of the script for The Melcrosum Person Part 4 from our director Zach so im gonna start that as soon as possible...
Also, i while ago, i sent a PM to Hylain_Mafia and now, after seeing some of our stuff, he's inited us 2 do the NG New Years Collab!!!! This is a big step 4 us and we should be making a comedy short very soon...

So thats it for us, see you in a while....

Posted by DWT-Productions - September 15th, 2007

hi all,
Were just here 2 say that we'ver realsed my new movie is out, SituationsWith Steve!! Hopefully you'll like our new comedy clip show. As 4 our next movie,were not to sure what to make but we still have ideas floating in our bucket :).

Check our Website, dwtproductions.bravehost.com for more news and updates....

Posted by DWT-Productions - July 23rd, 2007

Hello World, im really doubt anyone's gonna be reading this but if you do stubble accross it, great!

We got a new movie comming out soon called Situations With Steve. It gonna be a sort of comdey clip show, we know it's not a completly fresh idea but it should be very very very funny!!

check out website : dwtproductions.bravehost.com for more news and updates
see you l8ter!!